Dear Child of God.

Dearly Beloved,

I am the mom of a gay son. I did not suspect he was gay as he hid this essential part of himself and covered it over so well until he couldn't anymore. It was distressing and gut-wrenching to watch my beautiful son become less and less until he almost disappeared completely. Thankfully, one day, with the help of two people he trusted, he found the courage to share his truth and reality with us. I wish it hadn't been so scary for him and required so much courage. That will always make me sad.

But here is what I would say to you—you are beautiful and worthy of being fully seen for who you are. If others cannot see the beauty and magnificence of that, that is their loss. I want you to know that the world will never be well, whole or healed if you are unable to be all of who you are, if you have to hide. I know it is not safe for some of you to come out of hiding yet, but I promise I am working, along with many others I know, to make it safe, to make you feel welcome and loved and seen in this world. Hang in there. There is goodness, hope and love out there for you. You can find people who will welcome you for all of who you are. I am one mom who sees your beauty and I know I would love you if I could only know you. And as a minister of the Gospel, I can easily and without any qualms say to you that God delights in you and made you. You do not have to change to be loved. You are loved as you are. Period.

With deep affection and love,



A poem from a mom.


God loves you.